
Registration options

All full registration fees include access to the technical (talks, presentations, tutorials) and social program (coffee breaks, welcome reception, gala dinner, trip to the Krka National Park), as well as full board accommodation for 3 days (arrival on Sunday, September 17, 2023). All attendees will be situated in the hotel Olympia****.  There is also a one-day registration fee that includes full access to the technical program, lunch and coffee break.

The stated early registration fees are valid until August 30, 2023. After the deadline, the amounts will be increased by 100 EUR.

Registration A


Access to technical program

Access to social program (coffee breaks, gala dinner, trip to the Krka National Park)

Full board accommodation in a
single room for 3 nights

600 EUR

Registration B


Access to technical program

Access to social program (coffee breaks, gala dinner, trip to the Krka National Park)

Full board accommodation in a
shared double room for 3 nights

450 EUR

Registration C

2 accreditations

Access to technical program

Access to social program (coffee breaks, gala dinner, trip to the Krka National Park)

Full board accommodation in a

two single rooms for 3 nights

Timeslot for a product or company presentation

Space and table for an expo/hand-on demonstration
activity during entire workshop

2000 EUR

Registration D

One day accreditation

Full access to technical program

Coffee break and Lunch

50 EUR


For registration, payment and general inquiries please contact us via e-mail